Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Big Palouka

I was talking with a friend of mine named "Brambles" the other morning. We were discussing favorite ways to pass the time while our people are off at work or school or where ever.
Brambles The Cat(yes, I do have a few cat friends) mentioned the Republican National Convention and the speeches therein.
"Did you here what McCain's wife said about that Palin person? She called her a fishin', bear-shootin',pistol-packin' momma!"said Brambles." i'm not too fond of racoon's but bears are perfectly OK in my book.
"Well", I replied" I haven't met a bear I didn't like except maybe those wooden ones carved out of logs with chain-saws ,sitting on people's lawns. I've always wanted to hunt one but it was just for the scent and a chance to introduce myself."
"Yeah" Brambles added,"She's being touted as some tuff lady!"
"If she was really so tuff," I added " let her go bear hunting with a pocketknife... anybody's tuff when they have a loaded gun to point!".Besides, I heard she told a joke about hockey moms and pit bulls, that the only difference between them is lipstick. Well, you know why a hockey mom IS like a pit bull? Neither one is qualified to be Vice-President."

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